Promotional activities of the Faculty in southern of Srpska
Last week, representatives of the Faculty of Security Science were in Trebinje, where they held a series of meetings and lectures aimed at promoting the study programs of the first and second study cycles.
Dean of the Faculty prof. Ph.D. Predrag Ćeranić, Director of the Security Institute, Assoc. Dr. Saša Mićin and teaching assistant Sandra Čihorić visited the Technical School “Trebinje” on Thursday, April 11, 2024 and had a very pleasant conversation with the principal Nebojša Bovan. In addition to the promotional material that was handed to the host, three copies of the book “Digital Hygiene” were gifted to the school library.
On the same day in Trebinje, representatives of the Faculty visited the “Vuk Karadžić” Elementary School. On that occasion, a lecture on “Internet Safety” was held for eighth and ninth grade students. The school was also given three copies of the book “Digital Security”. The Faculty decided to visit the Elementary School “Vuk Karadžić” in Trebinje, because this is the first school in the Republic of Srpska where students are not allowed to bring mobile phones into the school premises, and in this direction the Faculty wants to support the efforts of the principal Aleksandar Vukanović.
On Friday, April 12, in the premises of the Trebinje City Administration, a working meeting was held with the administration of the “Ecology and Safety” JU, where the framework of future cooperation and the draft of the Cooperation Agreement were agreed upon. Three copies of the book “Digital Hygiene” were also handed over to the Director of the “Ecology and Safety” JU, Mr. Stevan Bekan.
On the same day, from 12:00 p.m., a presentation of the study programs of the second cycle of the Faculty of Security Science was held in the Great Hall of the city administration: Management of Security Risks of Natural Disasters, Security and Criminalistics, and Environmental Security. On that occasion, the book was presented to the mayor of Trebinje, Mr. Mirko Ćurić, as a gesture of gratitude for the warm reception and the opportunity to present the content of the study programs of the second cycle of studies to the public administration, police and civil protection workers.