Successful cooperation between the Confucius Institute and the Faculty of Security Science
Dean of the Faculty of Security Science of University of Banja Luka, Dr Predrag Ćeranić handed over to the director of the Confucius Institute Dr Ljiljana Stevic sweatshirt in which FBN students participated in the ceremonial parade on the occasion of the Day of the Republic of Srpska.
The Confucius Institute and the Faculty of Security Science have achieved successful cooperation, which is manifested through joint activities in the form of lectures on Chinese martial arts, the Belt and Road project, and the promotion of books related to Chinese culture.
These events were held in the premises of the FBN, and the dean, organized by the Confucius Institute in May 2018, was in Shanghai, where together with the vice-rector Dr Goran Latinović participated in talks with the leadership of the University of Law and Political Science.