Scholarships for study in Austria
Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research of the Republic of Austria for the academic year 2020/21. makes scholarships available for undergraduate and graduate students and for foreign scholars.
The scholarship applications are published at www.grants.at (in German and English). This database, in addition to information on scholarships from the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, also provides information on scholarships programs from other institutions.
The following scholarship programs are offered:
Franz Werfel Scholarship,
Richard Plaschka Scholarship,
Ernst Mach Scholarship,
Ernst Mach Scholarship to study at Austrian universities of applied sciences,
Ernst Mach Nachbetreuungsstipendium Scholarship (EZA).
You can find all the information about the mentioned scholarships, as well as the contact information of the responsible persons at www.grants.at by entering the appropriate scholarship name.