Cluster meeting of Erasmus + CBHE projects held
The Erasmus + CBHE project cluster for the modernization and development of study programs in Bosnia and Herzegovina was held on November 27, 2019 at the premises of the Rectorate of the University of Banja Luka.
Vice-rector for international and inter-university cooperation of the University of Banja Luka, Dr Biljana Antunović said that the University of Banja Luka has 89 successfully implemented TEMPUS projects, as well as six Erasmus mundus, while 15 Erasmus + CBHE projects are currently being implemented.
“In the last call, we were approved of three projects, and at today’s meeting we will share experiences with colleagues who have modernized certain study programs,” she said.
According to the Director of the Erasmus + Office in BiH, Suad Muhibić, EU-funded projects are a great opportunity to improve the capacity of universities, but also to facilitate the exchange of students and teachers with universities in Europe.
Muhibić stated that 12 projects dealing with the modernization and development of study programs will be presented during the cluster meeting.
At the meeting, Radoslav Ivaniš presented the NatRisk project that is being implemented at the Faculty of Security Science. The implementation of the project is in the final stage, and the Faculty has fulfilled all obligations from all eight work packages.