Professional training for the best students
The decision on the professional training of the best students of the Republic of Srpska was published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska, published on April 2, 2019.
According to this decision, the professional training of the best students of public universities in the academic year 2017/18 is provided according to the data of the Ministry of Science and Technology Development, Higher Education and Information Society.
“All state administration bodies, public companies and public institutions are obliged to provide vocational training to students in accordance with their activities and necessary professional staff,” the Decision for the professional training of the best students of Republika Srpska states.
It is also alleged that the Government of the Republic of Srpska will provide additional funds for these purposes.
Also, the state administration bodies, public companies and public institutions are obligated to inform the Ministry of Science and Technology, Higher Education and Information Society about the implementation of this decision.
Read the decision here.