University of Banja Luka Marked the Jubilee
On 7 November 2020, the University of Banja Luka marked 45 years of successful work and development with solemn academy in the Banski dvor Cultural Centre.
Rector of the University of Banja Luka Prof. Radoslav Gajanin, PhD, says that in 45 years of existence and work the University has educated experts in nearly all fields.
,,Academic citizens who graduated from the University of Banja Luka are successful in their work at different positions in the Republic of Srpska, but also around the world’’, Rector Gajanin said.
The Rector points out that one of the prides and pillars of the University is the field of international and interuniversity cooperation. As he stated, the period behind us was successful in the field of science and scientific research.
,,We are proud of all our professors and teaching assistants who were awarded this year within the support of the international results achieved. For the results achieved in 2019, 67 professors and teaching assistants received cash awards. The number of those awarded is growing from year to year, which makes us especially happy’’, Rector stressed in his speech.
The rector also pointed out the great support of the authorities of the Republic of Srpska to the University and the development of higher education.
As he stated, the Government of RS approved significant capital investments in 2020, and for that purpose, it is planned to allocate ten million BAM from the Budget of the Republic of Srpska. These funds are intended for the completion of construction and equipping of the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy and the Faculty of Forestry, completion and equipping of the theatre stage in Pavilion IV of “Nikola Tesla” Student Centre and construction of the preschool education centre – kindergarten.
According to Professor Radoslav Gajanin, the University is stable in all fields of work.
,,The deans and leaderships of the University members contribute with honourable and dedicated management on a daily basis to make our faculties, the Academy, the Institute, and the University, even better. Dear deans, professors, teaching assistants, all employees and students, thank you for everything, thank you for working together to build a better higher education and create a better future for everyone’’, the rector of the University of Banja Luka, Professor Radoslav Gajanin, PhD, said.
President of the Republic of Srpska Željka Cvijanović stated that the University of Banja Luka is a pillar, not only of the academic, but also of the overall development of the Republic of Srpska.
,,The University of Banja Luka, as well as the overall society, has faced various challenges during these four and a half decades, but it has managed to overcome them, and to continuously develop and improve. This is evidenced, among other things, by the fact that today it exists and functions within the University“, Cvijanović said in her speech.
She pointed out that it is necessary for the University to enjoy the full support of the relevant institutions in order to be able to fulfil its role and its goals.
,,The Government and the relevant ministry are obliged to create material preconditions and conditions for the work and development of the University and all its members. At the same time, the quality of the teaching and research process, as well as the reputation and authority of the University and individual higher education institutions, largely depend on the university staff and this is something that requires hard work and commitment“, Cvijanović said.
She emphasized that the Republic of Srpska and its relevant institutions have invested significant funds in the construction and development of both public universities in RS, through the construction of new and reconstruction of existing faculties alike, and through equipping them.
,,I believe that the University of Banja Luka will continue to successfully fulfil its role in the future as it has been doing in the previous 45 years and that it will continue to be one of the key levers of development of our community and our society. With gratitude for everything you have done so far and wishes for successful future work, I congratulate you on this important jubilee’’, Cvijanović said.
In honour of marking 45 years of work of the University of Banja Luka, Minister for Scientific and Technological Development, Higher Education and Information Society of the Republic of Srpska Srđan Rajčević stated that strong public universities are a necessary condition for economic development.
According to him, in the past four and a half decades, the University of Banja Luka has grown into a modern, modernly equipped and well-organised higher education and research institution and represents the tradition of the first forms of university education in the former BH. In all the years of work and existence, it has made a significant contribution to the construction and functioning and affirmation of the Republic of Srpska.
Rajčević emphasized that since its establishment, and especially in the last 20 years, the University of Banja Luka has been the centre of youth and the academic community of the Republic of Srpska.
This ceremony was an opportunity to present awards and recognitions to different individuals, professors and institutions. Rector Gajanin assigned the charter awards of the University to the President of the Republic of Srpska Željka Cvijanović, to the Republic Attorney Milimir Govedarica, PhD, and the Public Institution Cinematheque of the Republic of Srpska, as well as the plaque of the University to the full professor of the Academy of Arts Nataša Glišić, PhD.
This year the University awarded 17 students of the generation: golden badges with the image of Nikola Tesla were assigned by the Vice Rector for Teaching and Student Affairs Professor Strain Posavljak, PhD.
In honour of marking the jubilee of the University, held with adherence to all the epidemiological measures, the solemn academy was completed with exceptional vocal and instrumental performances by students, professors and teaching assistants of the Academy of Arts of the University of Banja Luka. The audience had the opportunity to enjoy the artistic performance of Prof. Dunja Simić, MA., and the graduate student at the Academy of Arts Minja Šukalo, followed by piano of Senior Art Associate Marija Šestić, MA.
Let us be reminded that our University is the leading higher education institution in the Republic of Srpska and the second in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The University was established on 7 November 1975, and it consists of 16 faculties, the Academy of Arts and the Institute of Genetic Resources. Classes are held in all three cycles of studies, and today 15 000 students from all parts of the Republic of Srpska and abroad study at the University.