A psychological support service for students of the University of Banja Luka has been launched

The University of Banja Luka has launched a psychological support service for students during the course of the epidemic crisis caused by the coronary virus.

The agreement stipulates that students who face certain difficulties and challenges of a psychological nature can seek and obtain free and easy support from certified psychotherapists gathered by the Association of Psychologists of the Republik of Srpska.

It is planned that this program will continue after the state of emergency in Srpska due to the pandemic of the coronavirus, as problems of this nature often not only persist but also arise after the end of some external threat and problems in society.

Student Support Contact

Students at the University of Banja Luka can request support daily from 9 am to 10 pm by calling 065 / 464-555 or emailing psiholoska.podrska@ff.unibl.org, after which the coordinator will contact them with a psychotherapist.