Criminal forensic clinic
The Criminal Forensic Clinic (Clinic) of the Faculty of Security Science of the University of Banja Luka begins its work in the summer semester of the academic 2019/2020. Forensic Clinic is a form of (additional) education of students of our Faculty in the field of criminal and forensic sciences that would be realized through: theoretical, situational and practical teaching.
In this sense, students will have the opportunity to speak with prominent experts from police agencies, prosecutors and courts, attend simulations of certain criminal-tactical measures and actions and investigative activities in the field, carry out criminal and criminal law analysis of real cases from practice, participate in certain criminal- forensic activities, lectures, etc.
Interested students can apply through the e-Student electronic service.
After the application, the participants of the Clinic will be selected and the implementation of the Clinic will be initiated through the Work Plan, starting on 28.02.2020. at 1 pm.
The coordinators of the Clinic are professor Miodrag Simović and professor Mile Šikman.