Invitation from the Japan Foundation to apply for a conference grant program for intellectual exchange
The Japan Foundation is accepting applications for its program of grants for intellectual exchange conferences to encourage deepening of mutual understanding and closer relations between Japan and other countries through global intellectual exchange.
The deadline for application is December 2, 2019.
Eligible projects:
• International dialogues on intellectual cooperation, such as international conferences, symposium, seminars and workshops, where topics must address the challenges affecting Japan and other countries, and participants from Japan must play a significant role in the dialogues;
• Some examples of acceptable topics are population aging and low birth rates, environment and energy, the impact of science and technology on society, cultural diversity and multiculturalism, democracy and governance, and the role of culture in diplomacy and international relations.
This program provides grants that partially cover the costs of implementing international intellectual cooperation projects, such as international conferences.
Costs will also be provided:
• Travel expenses (international airline tickets and other transport costs, per diem and accommodation fees)
• Fees for lecturers, translators, etc.
• Meeting expenses (preparation of materials, space, equipment, public relations, etc.)
• Other costs (procurement of materials, etc.)
The projects must be completed and completed between 1 April 2020 and 31 March 2021. You can find more information in the Applicant’s Guide as well as the following website: https://www.jpf.go.jp/e/program/intel.html#intel_1