Study visit and scientific conference at the Moscow Region State University
In the period from 03.07. until 09.07.2019. Teachers and students of the Faculty of Security Studies, led by the Vice-Rector for Teaching and Student Affairs University of Banja Luka Dr Strain Posavljak paid a study visit to the Moscow Region State University, Moscow – the Russian Federation. The study visit was organized in accordance with international cooperation between Russia and the Republic of Srpska, and was previously signed on the Cooperation Agreement between the University of Banja Luka and the Moscow Region State University.
During the visit, a scientific-practical conference organized by the Faculty of Security in Moscow and Banja Luka and the Law Faculty in Moscow was held. The ceremony was opened by the Dean of the Law Faculty in Moscow Elvira Nadiseva and the Dean of the Faculty of Security Sciences in Banja Luka Dr Predrag Ceranic.
Within the conference, panels were held on the topics: Developing mechanisms for intra-state protection of human rights as an indicator of increasing the efficiency of rights; Global Security Today: Contemporary Challenges and New Threats; Mutual impact of structural units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Interior of Russia in the field of population protection and territory from emergency situations; Participation of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the formation of security culture among pupils in educational institutions; Characteristics of the higher education system in Russia and the Republic of Srpska; Youth for a Secure Future.
On the following link you can see the news at the official website of the Moscow State Regional University website: https://mgou.ru/87387