Invitation for II cycle students (social sciences) to register for the Research Incubator program
At this LINK, download the call for students of the second cycle of studies (social sciences) to register for the Research Incubator program, which aims to support research in the social sciences, and enable young researchers to develop skills in developing quality research project proposals relevant to discussion and adoption of policies / programs in BiH.
Participants selected for the program, in addition to a series of workshops, will have access to data within the Data Archive of Social Sciences in Bosnia and Herzegovina – DASS-BiH, access to professional literature, access to databases of research issues relevant to policy making in BiH (Question Bank), access to software and other research tools (such as microsimulation models), training in specific research methods tailored to the needs of students, the possibility of hiring researchers from the world’s leading universities as advisors (co-mentors).
Bearing in mind that the University of Banja Luka is a member of DASS-BiH, our students will have an advantage when applying for the program.