Walter-Hallstein Exchange Program

  • 4. February 2020.

Since 2001, the Baden-Wurttemberg Foundation has supported the international exchange of students and professionally educated young people awarded the Baden-Wurttemberg Scholarship. In this way, the Foundation allows qualified young people to participate in the exchange program each year, getting to…

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Scholarships of the Visegrad Fund

  • 30. January 2020.

The Visegrad International Fund has announced a competition for postgraduate and post-master studies scholarships at the universities of the Visegrad Group (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia). Students and researchers can apply for an exchange to any accredited higher education institution…

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Scholarships for study in Austria

  • 18. January 2020.

Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research of the Republic of Austria for the academic year 2020/21. makes scholarships available for undergraduate and graduate students and for foreign scholars. The scholarship applications are published at (in German and English).…

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