Scholarship available

  • 21. June 2019.

The competition for the Alpen-Adria Master scholarship for the first cycle of studies, which is intended to be enrolled in master studies at the Alpen-Adria-University in Klagenfurt, was opened. The scholarship includes a monthly financial support of 500 euros -…

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The accession lecture -Saša Mićin

  • 2. April 2019.

The accession lecture for the selection of teachers in the narrow scientific field of Criminality-Forensic Science, for candidate Saša Mićin, on topic "The forensic analysis of explosives" will take place on April 8, 2019. beginning at 12.00. in the Criminal…

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Student exchange scholarships

  • 27. March 2019.

ERAZMUS + student exchange scholarships at Aristotle University in Thessaloniki   Going to the European Forum Alpbach

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