Faculty participant in the round table “Security and Countering Terrorism”
The Faculty of Security Science participated today in the international online round table “Security and Countering Terrorism” organized by the Faculty of Security of the Moscow Regional State University (MGOU).
Veterans of the Russian army, students and representatives of the University from the Russian Federation and six countries spoke at the conference.
The Faculty of Security Science is represented by Dean Doc. dr Predrag Ćeranić, doc. Dr. Velibor Lalic, assistant Milica Sikimic and fourth year students Tanja Kljajic, Ivana Vulin, Dusko Baskalo and Petar Maric.
In the first part of the presentation, Dr. Ćeranić spoke about the concept of terrorism in modern circumstances, then chronologically listed terrorist acts in the Russian Federation and BiH and emphasized that terrorism was once ideological, then national, and today is a religiously motivated phenomenon. Link.
Faculty students presented on the following topics:
“Elements and causes of terrorism” (ideological bases and political consequences) – Dusko Baskalo;
“Institutional capacities of Srpska and BiH for countering terrorism” – Petar Marić;
“ISIL fighters – returnees to BiH” – Tanja Kljajić.
The role of moderator and translator was excellently performed by Sandra Čihorić, professor of Russian language and literature.