Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Produces Safety Visors for Health Care Workers
The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at the University of Banja Luka produces safety visors on a daily basis, by using the 3D print technology, for health care workers, who are struggling to keep up with the pandemic caused by the corona virus.
The initiators of this activity are young assistants from the Department of Computer Science and Informatics, and they have strong support of the University of Banja Luka, the Ministry of Scientific and Technological Development, Higher Education and Information Society of the Republic of Srpska as well as the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.
After prototyping and initial testing, the batch production started, on which about ten professors, assistants and lab technicians are working. It is also important to emphasize that the prototype model of the visor based on the existing models has been perfected by the assistant at the Department of Computer Science and Informatics, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at the University of Banja Luka, Milan Predojevic, and that the production itself takes place in the STEM laboratory of this faculty.
The production material is provided from own resources, but also by the University of Banja Luka and Innovation Centre Banja Luka.
Four 3D printers are in operation, in addition to one owned by the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. Two printers from ’Sveti Sava’ Primary School in Doboj and one from ’Filip Visnjic’ Secondary School in Bijeljina are also used. As announced, there should be another 3D printer in operation by the end of the week, arriving from ’Petar Petrovic Njegos’ Primary School in Istocna Ilidza. The management of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics thanked the institutions and individuals who unselfishly supported them in this action.
Currently, a total of 14 visors are being produced in one day, and the plan is to further expand production in the forthcoming period by increasing the capacity and optimizing the production.
So far, about 30 visors have been delivered to the RS University Clinical Centre, one package of 12 visors has gone to Doboj, and several visors have been delivered to the Paediatric Association of the Republic of Srpska. Visors made at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics have also been delivered to the health care workers who are these days taking care of corona virus positive patients quarantined at the premises of ’Nikola Tesla’ Student Centre in Banja Luka.
Production of several hundreds of visors is expected in the coming days, which will be delivered by priority, first to the University Clinical Centre and the Public Health Institute of RS, as well as to other healthcare institutions in the Republic of Srpska.