University of Banja Luka at the 7th International Congress ,,Saint Petersburg and the Slovenian World“
On 21 November 2019, the representatives of the University of Banja Luka participated in the 7th International Congress ,,Saint Petersburg and the Slovenian World“.
At the beginning of this event in Saint Petersburg, the representatives of the University of Banja Luka and the Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Saint Petersburg State Forestry University SM Kirov signed an Agreement on Cooperation.
The agreement was signed by Rector of the University of Banja Luka Professor Radoslav Gajanin, PhD, and Rector of the University of Saint Petersburg Professor Yuri Ivanovich Belenkiy, PhD.
The two institutions are concluding this agreement to contribute to joint cooperation. Cooperation between the two institutions will help strengthen the partnership between the two higher education institutions.
Cooperation will include the mobility of professors, students, technical and administrative staff. Participation of postgraduate students in joint scientific research and programs of common interest is also planned. The agreement also provides for the establishment and development of information networks for the exchange of information, as well as the publication of joint papers. It is also planned to jointly organize conferences, seminars and workshops.
The signing of the agreement was also attended by the member of the Government of Saint Petersburg and the representative of the Mayor in the Legislative Assembly of Saint Petersburg Yuri Borisovich Sesterikov, and the Serb Member of the Presidency of BiH Milorad Dodik.
Presentation of the representatives of the University of Banja Luka
Staff and Student Exchange Officer Djordje Kenjalo had a presentation on the topic ,,Education of Children with Special Needs in the Republic of Srpska“.
,,The fact is that the education of children with special needs is part of the integral education system in the Republic of Srpska and is in line with all conventions, including the most important UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities”, Kenjalo said in his presentation at the Seventh International Congress ,,Saint Petersburg and the Slovenian World“.
He pointed out that the University Center for Assistance to Students with Special Needs is a coordinating body at the University of Banja Luka, task of which is to ensure that students with special needs have equal access to all university programs and activities.
,,The University of Banja Luka will continue to be involved and will be even more involved in the teaching and other processes of students with special needs, creating an equally productive environment for all. I am sure that participation in this Congress and the transfer of knowledge and good practice will contribute to raising the quality of work with students and their training for a successful life and work’’, Kenjalo said in his speech.