Summer school in Austria
The University of Vienna is organizing a summer school called – “Summer School for International and European Studies 2020”, which will be held from 18 July to 15 August 2020 in Strobe, Austria.
The program, for four weeks, offers courses in European Studies and the Austrian Arbitration Academy in the morning, as well as German courses in the afternoon.
Due to its international and interdisciplinary character, the summer school offer is of interest to students of all study placements, but is particularly interesting to students, who in their studies deal with the following areas: European Studies, Political Science, Law (International and European Law), Economics, history, cultural studies, international relations, interdisciplinary studies and German.
You can find the Summer School program attached
You can find more information at: https: //shs.univie.ac.at/ or email sommerhochschule@univie.ac.at (Program Coordinator Nina Gruber).