Mobility at Criminalistic Police University
Teaching staff at the Faculty of Security Science ofthe University of Banja Luka: assistant professor. Darko Paspalj, senior assistant Dragana Vasiljević MSc and senior assistant Milica Sikimić MA, are part of the international exchange of teaching and non-teaching staff of higher education institutions within the European program Erasmus +, due to the realisation of the project tasks envisaged by the project named -Development of master curricula for natural disasters risk management in Western Balkan countries – “NatRisk”, from November 12 to 16, 2018. We stayed at the Criminal Police Academy in Belgrade, where we had the opportunity to get acquainted with:
- organization, management, teaching process, special forms of teaching and processes of non-active activities,
- teaching and non-teaching staff, lecture curricula, research projects and the way of work of the Criminalistic Police University,
- didactic and spatial capacities of the Criminalistic Police University,
- the realisation of teaching at basic studies.
During his stay at the Criminal Police College in Belgrade, the teachers and associates of the Faculty of Security Science participated in the realisation of classes from Criminal Law, Special Physical Education, National Security, Environmental Protection, Security Management, Information Systems in Emergency Situations and the system of persons and property security. Teachers and associates of the Faculty of Security Science were also present at the working meeting of the members of the expanded team of the Criminal Police