University of Banja Luka at the Banja Luka 2021 Book Fair
University of Banja Luka will present its editions at the 26th International ’Banja Luka 2021’ Book Fair.
The University is participating in this fair for the seventh time, and it will present itself to the reading public with various publications, such as: textbooks, monographs, proceedings, scientific journals and other publications.
The International ‘Banja Luka 2021’ Book Fair organized by “Glas Srpske”, will be held from 14 to 20 September 2021 in the ‘Borik’ Sports Hall. Working hours are from 10.00 to 20.00, and the ticket price is one KM.
The theme of this year’s fair is the presentation of domestic and foreign publishers, the presentation of writers, and accompanying programs.