Doctors of Science of the University of Banja Luka Promoted
Ceremonial promotion of doctors of science of the University of Banja Luka was held on 9 November 2020 in the lecture hall at the Faculty of Political Science.
Rector of the University of Banja Luka Prof. Radoslav Gajanin, PhD, said that the greatest number of doctors of science are from the scientific fields of economics.
He expressed satisfaction with the knowledge shown by the candidates, and noted that the candidates, in order to qualify for the defence of doctoral dissertations, had to publish part of the results of the dissertation in international reference journals.
,,It is just a confirmation of the quality of our doctors’ doctoral dissertations”, Gajanin stressed.
,,It takes years of dedicated work and full dedication to science to earn a doctor of science degree. You have successfully completed your previous research by defending your dissertation and thus made the first and most important step in your scientific, that is, research career. The University of Banja Luka is proud of everyone who chose our University to attain the title of Doctor of Science’’, Rector Gajanin said during the promotion of doctors of science.
Miloš Grujić, who was promoted to Doctor of Economics, said that the topic he defended was related to investments in credit derivatives in emerging markets.
,,I worked on the topic for three years and it was a significant experience for me, during which I gained knowledge that I will be able to apply in the future,“ Grujić said.
Most of the promoted doctors of science, 11 of them, are from the Faculty of Economics, followed by the Faculty of Philosophy with nine doctors of science.
Three doctors of science are from the Faculty of Medicine, three from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and three from the Faculty of Agriculture, two from the Faculty of Law and another two from the Faculty of Mining Engineering. One promoted doctor of science is from the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, one from the Faculty of Political Science, one from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, one from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and one is from the Faculty of Technology.
The promotion of the doctors of science was organized as part of the ceremony dedicated to 45 years of work and development of the University of Banja Luka, and the event was held in compliance with all epidemiological recommendations.