Online fair of higher education “For knowledge in Russia”
Date: 4-5. November 2020.
Registration: To participate you need to register on the website: https://edu-rus.com/events/bosniya-i-gercegovina/.
You will be able to learn more about the possibilities of education in Russia on November 4 and 5.
During the two days of the fair, Russian universities will present curricula in the most current areas: engineering, technical sciences, mathematics and natural sciences, humanities, economics, pedagogy and more. Representatives of leading Russian universities will talk about the conditions of admission, teaching and student life:
St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design, School of Printing and Media Technologies;
State University “I.S. Turgenev ”, Orel Castle;
National Research University School of Economics (HSE);
State Energy University “V. I. Lenin ”(IDEU), Ivanovo;
National Research Technical University (INITU), city of Irkutsk;
Arctic State University, city of Murmansk;
Russian State Pedagogical University “A. I. Herzen ”;
Moscow State Law University “O.Y. Kutafin ”(MDPU);
Samara State University of Economics and many others.
Pupils, high school graduates and their parents are invited to the online fair, as well as teachers, students, media representatives and all those interested in Russian higher education. Over 800 participants are expected.
“For Knowledge to Russia” is a project developed with the support of the Federal Agency of the Russian Federation for the Affairs of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Abroad and International Humanitarian Cooperation, within which educational activities are carried out. The goal of the project is to promote Russian vocational education and attract foreign citizens and compatriots from abroad to study in the Russian Federation. The Education Fair 2020 in offline format will be held in Serbia. The fair will be held online in Slovenia, Romania, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina.