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Faculty of Security Sciences at the 12th Science Festival

Faculty of Security Sciences at the 12th Science Festival

The science festival, the 12th in a…

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“Police festival” 2024

“Police festival” 2024

In the Training Center in Zalužani, on…

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“Days of Russia in Republic of Srpska” festival

“Days of Russia in Republic of Srpska” festival

The three-day festival "Days of Russia in…

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New titles in the libraries of FBN and AGGF

New titles in the libraries of FBN and AGGF

On May 14, 2024, the Ambassador of…

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May 9: Victory Day

May 9: Victory Day

Today, a ceremonial parade in Moscow marked…

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Results of sports tournaments “Days of Students in Banja Luka 2024”

Results of sports tournaments “Days of Students in Banja Luka 2024”

Students of the Faculty of Security Sciences…

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Special field training (video)


Foreword of the Dean

It is my pleasure to welcome you here on behalf of the Faculty of Security Studies, the latest member of the University of Banja Luka. What was once the Advanced School of Internal Affairs, and then College for Internal Affairs has become the Faculty of Security Studies, at the joy of all of us who share the same love for this institution…

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