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Cluster meeting of Erasmus + CBHE projects held

Cluster meeting of Erasmus + CBHE projects held

The Erasmus + CBHE project cluster for…

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Study program Security and Criminology presented to graduates of Gradiška Technical School

Study program Security and Criminology presented to graduates of Gradiška Technical School

Faculty of Security Science on 11/19/2019  was…

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Erasmus+ 2020 Call launch

Erasmus+ 2020 Call launch

The 2020 Erasmus+ Call for Proposals was…

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Ceremony Academy for 44 years of work at the University of Banja Luka and program of events

Ceremony Academy for 44 years of work at the University of Banja Luka and program of events

The academy on the occasion of 44…

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Lectures for the second generation of master students

Lectures for the second generation of master students

On the 10/28/2019 started lectures for master…

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Call for the participation in the Rondine Cittadella della Pace program

Call for the participation in the Rondine Cittadella della Pace program

The Italian non-governmental organization Rondine Cittadella della…

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Info board
Special field training (video)


Foreword of the Dean

It is my pleasure to welcome you here on behalf of the Faculty of Security Studies, the latest member of the University of Banja Luka. What was once the Advanced School of Internal Affairs, and then College for Internal Affairs has become the Faculty of Security Studies, at the joy of all of us who share the same love for this institution…

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