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Lecture by the Ambassador of China at the Faculty of Security Studies

Lecture by the Ambassador of China at the Faculty of Security Studies

On Friday, June 14, 2019, the Ambassador…

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Enrollment agenda

Enrollment agenda

Competition for enrollment of students in the…

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Classes for enrolment of students were successfully held

Classes for enrolment of students were successfully held

At the Faculty of Security Studies on…

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Student enrollment in 2019/20

Student enrollment in 2019/20

Call for student enrollment in academic 2019-201…

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Delegation of Banja Luka University visited Shangai

Delegation of Banja Luka University visited Shangai

Dr Predrag Ceranic, dean of the Faculty…

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Student exchange with University of criminal investigation and police studies

Student exchange with University of criminal investigation and police studies

As part of student mobility, the Faculty…

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Info board
Special field training (video)


Foreword of the Dean

It is my pleasure to welcome you here on behalf of the Faculty of Security Studies, the latest member of the University of Banja Luka. What was once the Advanced School of Internal Affairs, and then College for Internal Affairs has become the Faculty of Security Studies, at the joy of all of us who share the same love for this institution…

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